
The Chrysalis Pod

Check out our new podcast, where we explore the personal journeys of yoga teachers in our ecosystem.

Is It Time for Teacher Training? 5 Signs You’re Ready to Dive In

Thinking about taking the leap? Take a look at these 5 signs + get the checklist for getting started.

The Course by Morpho Bleu: Meet the Teachers

Meet the lead teachers of The Course by Morpho Bleu, our upcoming 222-hour teacher training.
21 February

Deep Winter Masterclass

Join Sara in this masterclass reflecting the energies of deep winter.
23 February

Yamas + Niyamas

Join Mel to learn about yoga’s ethical principles and bring your practice off the mat.
21 to 23 March

TCM Theory + Astrology Cycles for a Cosmic Practice

Join Karl and Sarah in the spring module of The Course to connect your practice to the natural patterns and cycles of our world.
5 + 6 April

Katonah Yoga

Join Abbie Galvin for a deeper dive into the Katonah Yoga system in the spring module of The Course.
2 to 4 May

The Core of Resonance

Explore the art of sound and core work in the summer module of The Course.
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