Join Abbie Galvin, esteemed Katonah Yoga teacher from New York, for a weekend deep-dive into one of our favourite movement styles!
This training will take place over 4 workshops of varying lengths: 2x 2.5 hour masterclasses, and 2x 5 hour intensives. Get the full experience with the 15h training pass, or drop-in for the sessions that call to you most (buy your pass first, then register). All are welcome!
Saturday 28 September
MASTERCLASS - 9h00 to 11h30
Katonah Foundations: Asana + Pranayama
Experience your practice through the lens of Katonah — a movement philosophy that uses functional technique rather than personal impulse to guide you, using measure rather than feeling to create a stable structure. Here, we discover that our body was designed to to fit itself and can awaken pieces of ourselves from the slumber of unconscious habits. In this masterclass, we will move through the fundamentals of the Katonah Yoga asana practice and experience the power of pranayama to open up territory in our bodies for our spirit to move through it.
INTENSIVE - 12h00 to 17h00
Katonah Body Reading
Reading a body, assessing a pose, and interpreting where one is heading is all part of the art of seeing. Through observation, we can learn how personal habits are articulated in certain postures. In this intensive, we will set up the body on a grid to be deciphered as a map — or an ideal template — and learn how to unearth physical issues, then explore what to do with the information we discover in our body readings.
Sunday 29 September
MASTERCLASS - 9h00 to 11h30
Katonah Home Practice
A home practice addresses the vision and virtue of personal health, wellbeing and long life. It’s a commitment to self-care, a ritualized modus operandi for one’s participation in a technical integration of mind, body and breath. Engaging in a home practice is a way of addressing the manner in which one personally organizes one’s self — developing a determined life, setting goals and following through. In this masterclass, we will explore how to develop, maintain and integrate a home practice.
INTENSIVE - 12h00 to 17h00
Katonah Restorative & Adjustments
The Katonah approach to restorative yoga is meant to reshape a stressed out, uninformed or injured body, which helps to set up the conditions to redirect a life. Most injuries are the result of having set up unconscious patterns, both physically and emotionally, that are maladaptive. Injuries are opportunities for a wider exploration of restoration, homeostasis and longevity, to unearth that piece in each of us that is out of tune, disconnected, overworked or misaligned. Re-informing the body is never random, it is always technical! Real and lasting change demands a new set of conditions, using formal techniques.
In this intensive, we will explore how to address injuries and use props and adjustments to set ourselves up for better function. This is for both teachers looking to assimilate restorative theory into their teaching, as well as students interested in immersing themselves in a restorative experience to more deeply profit from it.